The weekend’s almost up – how has everyone’s week been? What with it being the run up to Christmas, and the fact that we are currently in the midst of kitchen-renovation-hell, mine has been super busy. I have really had to concentrate on slowing down to try and minimise the impact that the busy-ness would have on my MS.
It is amazing the effect that stress has on me – the kitchen work hasn’t really taken it out of me in regards to physical labour (my husband has been dealing with that part!) but the stress of worrying about fixtures and fittings arriving on time and the fact that we have loads of, well, crap, lying all over the house is making me into a really frazzled Jen. The result is that I have had a few falls and my word finding problems are showing up more. In addition, the kids have been a bit out of sorts as we have spent a few days staying with relatives and they are out of their usual routine. I’ll be glad when it is all done – the end is in sight thankfully!
On top of all the kitchen madness, I had a bit of a non-MS related health scare which, thankfully, I found out on Friday is nothing to worry about. But still, having it hanging over my head whilst I waited to see the doctor at the hospital has not helped my stress levels. Add in trying to get the Christmas pressies sorted and I feel ready to pop.
I am in much need of a bit of self-care! Luckily, there have been some great blogs recently focusing on the topic – I love this by the Health Sessions and this by Not Just Tired. My self care tonight is Booja Booja chocolate ice-cream and Peaky Blinders on telly!
And it is not been all bad this week – I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Emma from Not Just Tired and I was involved in the fantastic Dizzycast with Heather from Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS, talking about fatigue and how it affects me. It was so great to have the chance to chat to Heather and Robert, another MS blogger from A 30-Minute Life, and also to hear Meg from BBH With MS talk about her experiences with medical marijuana. Hearing her has led me to contact CBD Brothers, who supply CBD oil, to see if they can give me more information. The reviews are great and I would love the chance to reduce my painful cramps and spasticity.
I’ve got a busy week at work ahead of me, as I’ll be working 4 rather than 3 full days due to some training that is mandatory to attend. The upshot is that I can take a day in lieu , which means that my Christmas break starts early on the 19th December . It’s my son’s 10th birthday on Tuesday, so I have a cake to make and I am currently on countdown to the 23rd when my lovely big sis arrives back in the UK from Australia, where she now lives with her family. We have two years worth of catching up to do, and I can’t wait.
It looks like the madness is set to continue, eh? I need to make sure that I make the most of the madness by relishing the memories that I am sure will be made, but also that I have some mindful moments and focus on all the top self care tips detailed in the blogs above, to make sure that I don’t burn out. Wish me luck!!
That ice cream looks good. Not in the states
I noticed that it is made from 4 ingredients – I haven’t got it here but I think that it is cashews, cocoa, agave syrup and… I’m not sure what else. Maybe if we whizzed it all together and froze it it would work?! X
Looked good
I think I’m going to have to try this. I keep seeing it when I do my online shop but hadn’t realised it was only 4 ingredients. That sounds good and looks so yummy.
It is soooo good!! Xxx
Oh Jen!. Loads going on!. Sorry to hear of your falls, and pleased to hear your recent health scare is nothing to worry about. Hope the extra full day of work isn’t too much for you.
Wishing your son a lovely birthday, and enjoy your time with your sister!. Two years is a long time, and I know how you feel!. I saw my little sister, from oz a few months ago after 5 years…it felt so surreal! Make some lovely memories, and let the Christmas countdown begin!. Here’s to a good week. :)x
Thanks Toni! I am so excited about my sister visiting. It known it will go by in a flash – they have so many people to catch up with! Xx
I’m excited for you!. Enjoy. Xx
Jen you are such an incredibly strong woman! You really do inspire me more than I can even begin to explain. I do know how hard it is to deal with stress and how horrible it can make you feel, but look on the bright side you will get a break soon! I am so happy you are going to be able to have catch up time with your sister soon! Take it easy with work and try to not push yourself too much! Are you going to be work 4 full days? Make sure to rest in the evenings, it sounds like your husband is amazing and more than willing to help!!! Much love sweet Jen and take care!!!
Thank you so much Alyssa! Yes, I am so lucky to have my husband, he really wants everything done asap so he has really stepped up to trying to get it done with as little impact on me as possible! I am only working 4 days this week but I know I’ll need to rest in the evenings and at the weekend. My Christmas break is in sight! Looking forward to catching up on all the blogs I have been a bit too busy to keep up with
Lots of good wishes to you xx
I am glad you will rest in the evenings! Take care and continue to be your strong amazing self!
Than you Alyssa
My pleasure my dear!!!
Oh, I forgot to say I am so sorry about your falls. I hope you were not injured! I was trying to clean the house earlier and the heavy vacuum was getting the best of me. That mean old vacuum had me tripping over everything!!! I am so glad your recent health care scare was not anything to worry about and you are okay!!!
Thank you! Just a few bruises and a bit of embarrassment! Xx
It happens, don’t be too embarrassed! Always know you are amazing!
Keep smiling, everything will come together
Yes it will, I’m sure! Looking forward to a nice break at Christmas

I so enjoyed Dizzycast. You did really well. Heather and Dizzy are also superb. I love the look of that ice cream.
It is so delicious! Yes, I loved doing Dizzycast, so fab to chat to other MSers
You’ve certainly been very busy and as you said the stress on top really doesn’t help. In fact, I sometimes thing the mental exhaustion can make chronic illness worse more so than physical exertion. I’m glad to hear that the health scare was nothing to be worried about though, that’s reassuring. Happy Birthday to your son for tomorrow! You’ll have to show us the finished cake. And also having your sister coming before Christmas is lovely, definitely something to look forward to. Must admit I’ve read a few things about CBD oil that have made me more curious about it than I would have been in the past. Please try to take things easy Jen (not too easy to do with 4 days work and everything else going on) or at least schedule in some down time and reach out if you need help or delegate some of your to-dos and share your stresses. Sending hugs xx
Thanks so much Caz and sorry for my late reply! We ended up taking my son out for a meal and he wants his birthday cake on saturday so he can enjoy it with his friends after going to see Star Wars! It will be full of chocolate and sweets no doubt
I am trying to take it easy outside of work (better go to bed now!) and I just keep thinking ‘only a few more days to go, then a lovely long break’, so that helps. Mental exhaustion DEFINITELY takes more out of me than physical. Luckily my hubbie is helping by doing all the day to day cooking and I came home to a tidy kitchen today, so that is a bonus, haha! Take care, Jen xxx
Sounds like a crazy month Jen. I’m not surprised you feel a bit frazzled. You don’t need extra “stuff” on top of the usual December mayhem! I’m so sorry to hear you had a health scare. I can imagine how scary that was and waiting to hear about things like that is horrid. I’m really glad to hear you’re ok though
Aw thank you so much for the lovely mentions
I really appreciate it.
I must try that yummy looking ice cream! I think I’ve tried their vanilla one and it was really good! I hope you manage to get some “time out” soon and indulge in some self care. Bet you can’t wait to finish work and it’ll be fab catching up with your sister! Happy birthday to your son by the way! I hope it all went well xxx
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