I have finally bitten the bullet and started a blog, courtesy of advice and support from my friend Bek at Dillydrops.
I had been thinking of starting a blog for ages, I have loads of things whizzing around my head and I thought that it would be cathartic to get it all down. Ultimately I hope that this blog helps not only me, but also anyone else living with MS, trying to juggle family life, expectations (others and your own expectations of yourself!), perhaps work, friends and keeping a social life.
I have secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and will share my ‘MS Story’ in another post soon. Things are changing for me all the time and I am finding myself facing challenges that I never thought I would. If you had told me when was holding my baby girl, almost 6 years ago, that by 2016 I would be relying on crutches and a scooter, struggling to do everyday activities and worrying about how long I would be in work for, I wouldn’t believe you. But the nature of MS is that things can and do change in an instant, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I had just got myself into a cosy little bubble, thinking that I had done so well for so long that I had avoided the dreaded ‘mobility difficulties’. Ha! How wrong was I?!
But I don’t want this blog to be a downer, I also do loads of things to try and reduce my symptoms/slow progression, such as following the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis (OMS) lifestyle as much as possible (I am human and some things get in the way occasionally). This makes me feel like I am taking an active part in helping myself and keeping myself as healthy as possible.
I have so much to write about and I am looking forward to sharing it all with you!
So proud of you for doing this – looks great!
Thank you
This is so exciting, Jen! I think that it is great that you are sharing your story.
Congratulations on publishing your first post and thank you for the mention. Love your blog layout and colours too! x
Thank you lovely! You inspired me
[…] MY FIRST BLOG POST – March 2016 […]
I am glad you are here!
Thank you so much – I’m glad to be here
I love the blogging community x