I can’t believe it, but a whole year has gone past since I first started blogging. I initially started writing as I was (and still am!) dealing with a lot of struggles and emotions in regards to my multiple sclerosis. I am pleased to say that blogging has not only become very cathartic for me, but it has also given me the opportunity to ‘meet’ others who also enjoy writing, some with chronic illness, and to follow fabulous bloggers with stories to tell. Here’s to the next year! Please find a link to my very first blog post, below, for anyone interested in having a quick read.
Congratulations! My blogiversarh is in July
The time will whizz by!
happy blogiversary
Thank you!
Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much Tina! X
You’re welcome!
Happy one year blogiversary!!
Thank you lovely! X
Thank you Shannon
You’re welcome
Yours was one of the first MS blogs that I read and followed, so thank you
Reblogged this on Dream Big, Dream Often and commented:
Happy Blogiversary to Jen over at Tripping Through Treacle!!
(comments disabled here, please comment on Jen’s page)
Congrats !!
Let’s hope for many more years of blogging and writing !
Thank you!