Thank you so much to Heather from Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS for tagging me in this quote challenge! I love quotes as they really help me to think of the world in a different way
The Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
- Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
- Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.
Here’s my first quote!
The more that you read,
the more things that you’ll know
The more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go
– Dr Suess
I love this quote as I really believe it is true! I love stepping into new worlds through reading, whether it is best-selling fiction, a biography or the Guinness Book of World Records. Luckily, my son seems to have inherited my gene for a love of reading, my daughter not so much yet… I like to think she will eventually. As I now struggle to get around due to disability, using books to ‘escape’ is especially important
My nominees for today are:
Jo Ann Maxwell from Fearless
Caz from Invisibly Me
Shannon from MSnubutterflies
No pressure to take part, it is just for fun
Books and reading are hugely important to me, too. I’m sure your daughter will come to enjoy or love reading later in her life too =]
Dr Seuss quotes are fab, especially this one!!
Thank you for the very kind nomination ♥
Caz x
Thanks Caz! I know of your love of reading so thought that you’d be great for this
I sometimes wonder whether I read too much, then I think naaaah, there’s no such thing!
Is this challenge a quote a day for three days? I’m that indecisive I don’t know how you manage to pick them without a lot of deliberation
I think that it is meant to be but I just say do as and when! Or just enjoy reading others’ quotes
[…] Day 1 […]
[…] you again to Jen from Tripping Through Treacle for tagging me in this challenge. I’m really enjoying this challenge but it has been a […]