The time has come again for another MS Awareness Week! I was going to write a new post, but I decided to update one that I have previously written about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness, as all the points that I wanted to make are still largely there.

The thing is, many people don’t really know about MS… as an Occupational Therapist once said to me, ‘it is not one of those ‘sexy’ diseases like cancer’.  Whether ‘sexy’ is the right word or not, what she meant was it is not a disease that people automatically understand.  Cancer = completely and utterly awful, but then MS = completely and utterly awful too… we are still at the stage where people might say, ‘MS?  What exactly is that?’.  The OT was trying to explain to me why we still have to fight for medical services and access to help, whereas others may not.  Anyway, please find my thoughts about MS Awareness below, I would love to hear any of your own!

MS Awareness?

What does MS Awareness actually mean?  In my life, I’ve found that most people are ‘aware’ of MS; they have a 2nd cousin twice removed who has it, or, as my husband used to think, ‘it is something that affects your mobility… so you end up in a wheelchair’.  Heck, used to associate MS with wheelchairs… I remember being at Primary School, meeting a man using a wheelchair – he had MS.

Beyond maybe knowing of someone with MS, do others truly understand the disease?  If I was going to raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis, there are a few simple things I would like to make other people, those who have no personal knowledge and experience of MS, to be aware of:

Aware…of what MS is

MS is a chronic, degenerative neurological disease that tends to be diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 60, though it can be diagnosed earlier or later.  In people with MS, ‘scarring’ on the myelin sheath that covers the nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord can lead to sensory (feeling), motor (movement) and cognitive symptoms. About 100,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with MS.

Aware…. that MS is a ‘snowflake’ disease

We are all the same (have the same disease, Multiple Sclerosis), but we are all different.  We may not all have the same symptoms and, if we do, they may not affect us in the same way. One example is mobility – I have problems with my left side and I use crutches and a scooter.  Other MSers may have problems with their hands, some may have to use mobility aids, such as canes, walkers and/or wheelchairs, some may not.  Some may have ‘relapses’, where their mobility worsens, then get gets a bit better, others will have problems with their mobility 24-7.  Not everyone ends up in a wheelchair, some may use them intermittently.

Aware…that MS is often an ‘invisible’ illness

An MSer may not experience any obvious problems that are easy to see at first glance. But fatigue, dizziness, cognitive problems (such as memory loss, word-finding difficulties), blurred vision, numbness and bladder/bowel problems are all common symptoms.  And these symptoms are often the most debilitating, impacting on MSers social lives, ability to work and ability to be the person that they most want to be.  Most MSers will tell you that people will often say, ‘but you look so well!’  Putting on a bit of blusher can help me look ‘well’, but unfortunately doesn’t eradicate the hidden symptoms.

Aware…that we are the same as you

People diagnosed with MS are wives, parents, boyfriends, children… anyone can be diagnosed.  We have or have had careers and hobbies, we still like to socialise and do everything that you like to do…it just may be more difficult for us.  Those of us who are obviously disabled may ‘look’ different to you, but we are still the same person we always were, inside.

Aware… that a healthy diet and lifestyle is important

Especially when healthy changes are adopted early in the disease.  Dr Roy Swank first looked into the link between saturated fat intake and MS progression in the 1950s (those with lower saturated fat intake progressed less and slower than those with higher intake).  The Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis programme extends on this – through their Holism research, they’ve shown clear links between lifestyle and wellness in MS.

Rachael, who has been following OMS since diagnosis and whom I interviewed last year, said following her MRI scan, the ‘neurologist reported that there was “no evidence of disease activity”. No active lesions and no disease activity… two scans seemed to essentially be the same’

Aware… that medication can help

Not everyone qualifies for medication to treat their MS (it is that ‘snowflake’ disease again) but, compared to when I was first diagnosed in 1994, the options for treatment are massive, particularly for relapsing-remitting MS.

Medication can be used to help treat relapse symptoms (steroids), to try and reduce the number of relapses (Disease Modifying Drugs) and also to treat everyday symptoms, such as spasticity.  The MS Trust has some useful information on how treatments can help.

Over the past year or so, there is even more money going into studies to look at things to help progressive MS – Primary Progressive MS and Secondary Progressive MS – with the UK MS Society describing it as their ‘top research priority’.

I recently had stem cell treatment to try and halt the inflammation happening in my brain, you can read my progress here.

Aware… that despite this ongoing research, there is no cure

There is no cure.


There is still much to learn about MS and I really hope that a cure is found in my lifetime; hopefully, I’ll have some good news at next year’s MS Awareness Week!

In the meantime, keep raising awareness of this unpredictable disease.  I wish everybody living with it and other associated chronic conditions, the best health possible.

Till next time




  1. Another comment that I’d left here a while ago didn’t ‘stick’. It may be in your spam folder. Just in case…

    “An odd way to put it, not a ‘sexy’ disease like cancer. But I get what your OT was trying to put across.
    I think you’ve done well with the post update – you do a brilliant job sharing your own experiences to help others in a similar boat know they’re not alone, while raising awareness of MS to everyone as a whole, so you should be very proud of everything you’re achieving.
    How’re you doing this week, Jen? Any reduction in the spasticity yet? Sending gentle hugs your way  ♥
    Caz xx”

  2. This was another I tried to comment on quite a while ago but it didn’t ‘stick’. I saved this comment too so I’ll paste it again (the original may have gone to your spam folder).

    “An odd way to put it, not a ‘sexy’ disease like cancer. But I get what your OT was trying to put across.
    I think you’ve done well with the post update – you do a brilliant job sharing your own experiences to help others in a similar boat know they’re not alone, while raising awareness of MS to everyone as a whole, so you should be very proud of everything you’re achieving.
    How’re you doing this week, Jen? Any reduction in the spasticity yet? Sending gentle hugs your way  ♥
    Caz xx”

    1. Hi Caz,
      I have finally got your messages! For some reason, they did go in the spam folder, grrr. Spasticity is still a problem, but I have been trying to stretch through it! I see you’ve been out with your fam – the weather has been lovely so it is nice to make the most of it! xxx

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