I thought that it was time for a quick foodie recipe.  I have had lots going on recently, but one thing that remained consistent is my diet – I still stick to the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis protocol and really enjoy it:

I especially enjoy OMS when I get to eat Rawnola (raw+granola = rawnola).  It is super easy, super quick, super healthy and, most importantly, super tasty.  I first heard of Rawnola when I happened to spot this recipe by A Sunshine Mission, a fabulous food and travel blog that shares healthy, gluten-free vegan recipes – I highly recommend that you check it out.

Despite its name, buckwheat, which is used in this Rawnola, is actually wheat-free and gluten-free.  This recipe has no refined sugar in it and is nut-free.

I like to eat my Rawnola with berries and yoghurt, or as a topping for smoothies.  It adds a crunchy, chewy and sweet addition to an otherwise run-of-the-mill breakfast – and it is great on its own by the spoonful!


1/2 cup oats (gluten-free if preferred)

1/2 buckwheat groats (I found these near the dried beans in the supermarket, just called ‘buckwheat’)

8 Medjool dates (I use non-Medjool dates sometimes, but add a few more of them and usually soak them first in hot water for 5 minutes)

Cinnamon (optional, but delicious! – I add about a tablespoon)


Simply place all of the ingredients (cinnamon to taste) in a food processor and then pulse until you have a crumbly mix that is starting to stick together.  You may need to scrape down the sides a couple of times to ensure that all of the oats and buckwheat are mixed in.  That’s it!  Now enjoy your Rawnola.  I find that this amount makes enough for about 3-4 breakfasts if I bulk it up with fruit and yoghurt.  My husband has his with milk and enjoys it too.

I hope that you try this and love it as much as I do!  I often make my own granola, but when I can’t be bothered to wait for the oven, this is a fast and delicious alternative.

Let me know what you think!



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