Yes! I am going to say it loud and proud. I am not only the mother to two gorgeous, spirited, caring, funny kids but I am also
A Parent Who Uses Mobility Aids.
The thing is, when you start using mobility aids yourself, you suddenly realise that there are others just like you. About a year ago I started to notice the other mum in the playground who has a scooter just like me. I see someone walking with a cane and notice her dragging right foot – does she have MS just like me? When I am out shopping in our nearest big city and have to wait for a lift, I see that there is another young woman like me waiting for it and she too has children in tow. We smile at each other, safe in the knowledge that we are in our own special little club – the #parentswithmobilityaids club.
I’m on Instagram and Pinterest, where I share insights and pictures into my life with MS. I have wholeheartedly embraced the #babeswithmobilityaids hashtag that was introduced by the gorgeous and hilarious fellow MSer, Ardra Shepherd of Tripping On Air. But whilst I have been gaily hashtagging myself as a #babewithmobilityaid, I noticed that there didn’t seem to be the same kind of hashtag for parent who relies on extra help. So I am starting it! #Parentswithmobilityaids. Ok, so it isn’t the most catchy hashtag, it succinctly describes what I am.
I am proud of the fact that I am doing everything that I can to be present in my children’s lives. I love the fact that my scooter lets me go on bike rides with my daughter or to Harry Potter studios on a family day out. Would I prefer not to have use it? Of course. But this is the reality and I am not ashamed at all. And there are so many other parents just like me.
Feel free to join me, using #Parentswithmobilityaids in any of your social media posts, and celebrate the fact that you are doing everything you can to be there for your kids We are strong and positive role models who keep going in the face of adversity – own it!
Until next time,
If I have to use a wheelchair then so be it. Different days can bring different issues. That is the wrong word but for the life of can’t think of the right one
I agree with you! Took me quite a while to come to terms with, now I am completely unapologetic
This is a wonderfully empowering idea, and I think it’s a hashtag to be proud of! You said it so well – “I am proud of the fact that I am doing everything that I can to be present in my children’s lives.” x
Thanks Caz
Love it does it count if my kid is 19 now? She gets a kick out of me in the scooter. We had a lot of laughs with bad turns too much power and accidental wall hitting.
Yes it definitely counts
Wonderful idea Jen. So inspiring xx
Thanks Emma
Your so inspirational jenn! Great idea! I love it even though I don’t have MS or kids!