Huge thanks to Hayley from Mission:Mindfulness for nominating me for this Q&A Tag. It is great to be able to learn a bit more about the writers behind the blogs and it’s a brilliant way to discover new blogs too! I would highly recommend having nosey at Hayley’s answers here.
Hayley is an old friend from school who has managed to stay mindful and appreciative whilst juggling work and three children – including twin toddlers! Reading her blog really helps me to reflect on how lucky I am, despite my diagnosis of MS, and it also gave me the proverbial ‘kick up the bum’ to get back into meditation – a core aspect of the OMS programme on which I had sadly lapsed.
So, without further ado, here are my answers!
1. Why do you blog?
I blog so that I don’t constantly bore people with my moaning! No, to be honest I started blogging back in March as it was a route for me to ‘get all my thoughts out’ at a time when I was finding my health difficulties hard to deal with. It has been a really cathartic experience and a massive bonus has been all the fab blogs and people that I have ‘met’ along the way.
2. Which is the most popular post on your blog to date?
My most popular post so far has been A Letter to My Kids. This was one that I started writing and just couldn’t stop and I was so proud to have it published on The Mighty, an online community for those with health conditions to share their stories and experiences.
3. What is your ‘day job’ if you are not a full-time blogger?
I work as a Speech and Language Therapist with kids. I love my job, though it does take it out of me…. I am holding on as long as I physically can!
4. What are your hopes and dreams for 2017 – for the blog and/or for life in general?
I’d love to be able to blog more regularly and perhaps on a wider range of subjects over the coming year. In regards to general life goals, maintaining my health – perhaps even improving on it! – is a biggie, along with making the most of my time with my kids. They are growing up too fast <wistful>
5. Tell us a little more about your family please
There’s me, Hubs, my 9-year-old-Pokemon-mad son and my 6-year-old daughter, who’s a definite ‘Mummy’s girl’ I secretly wouldn’t have it any other way. Everyone says that kids get easier as they get older…I don’t know if I would agree with that, the challenges just become more complex as they start to question everything we are asking them to do!
6. How do you relax when you have the chance?
Give me a great book or film, good food, a glass of wine and I am happy!
7. What is your favourite TV show?
I loved Breaking Bad, Mad Men and The Missing
8. What is your favourite tipple?
Bubbly, Tia Maria and Diet Coke, Ameretto Sours or Frangelico and fresh lime…. a lush? Moi?
9. What top ‘blogging’ tip would you give a new blogger?
I’ve found that the posts I am most proud of are ones that are written completely from the heart, ones that I don’t stop to think ‘how does this sound?’ – just splurge it all out!
10. What top ‘life’ tip would you give your children?
To always be kind; I think the world would be a much better place if everyone just lived by that rule!
Thank you to Hayley for her questions… I might just have to steal some of them for my questions!
I am nominating the following fab chronic illness bloggers (and highly recommend you check out their blogs):
Dizzy at Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS
Shannon at MSnubutterflies
Kat at Frau Naish
Tracy at Me, My Spoons and I
My questions:
- Why did you decide to blog?
- Which is your most popular blog post to date?
- What are your plans for your blog in 2017?
- What’s on your ‘bucket list’?
- Have you got any New Year’s resolutions?
- Describe your perfect day
- What is your favourite movie?
- What is your favourite meal?
- Favourite travel destination?
- Have you got a party trick?
There is absolutely no pressure to take part (I know it is a busy time of year!) but I love learning about the people behind the blogs.
Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season!
Ah Jen – I’ve really loved reading your answers – 9 and 10 are great tips and I totally get your ‘why’ for blogging. Really good luck with your aims for 2017. Right I’m off to read your post ‘a letter to my kids’ – I love a good ‘splurgey’ post :-). Speak soon and wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and happy new year. xx P.S thank you for the kind comments about the blog too
Thank you for inviting me to take part! I really enjoyed it. And you truly have kick started my mindfulness again -12 days of meditation in a row now! Wishing you all a fantastic Christmas too xxx
Yay – that’s fantastic :-). Thank you xxx
All done! Thank you so much for inviting me to take part, loved doing it! You can probably tell by how quickly I did it.
Thank you so much for taking part!
Love your answers Jen and thank you for including me.