Thank you so much again to Heather from Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS for tagging me in this quote challenge! I’m loving the chance to remind myself of some wonderful quotes
The Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
- Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
- Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.
Today’s quote:
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud
– Maya Angelou
I love this quote and, in fact, have written a blog post on it. It helps me to appreciate the fact that, even though days can be dark, I have the little ‘rainbows’ that keep me going – my parents, my kids, my husband, my siblings and friends. I am so, so lucky, And I hope that I can be the same for others, despite my MS, Maya Angelou was a very clever lady!
My nominees for today:
Elaine, from Elaine’s Blog
Rhiann from My Brain Lesion and Me
Emma from Not Just Tired
Again, no pressure, would just love to see your responses
Love it. Great quote
I really love this quote. xxx
An awesome choice Jenny! Loved it! Love maya! xx
Thank you! For some reason this went in my spam list, so sorry, I have changed this now. I love Maya too, she was amazing
[…] Day 2 […]