I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a few days now… but it has been a hell of a lot more difficult to start than my previous one in this series (This is my MS – physical symptoms). It was easy for me to write about the physical symptoms of my MS – I am at the stage now where I live with them everyday. No more periods of remission for me, just a constantly ‘dead’ leg, cramps and spasms and fatigue. Luckily, I have found that these can be somewhat controlled, namely through medication and lifestyle factors, which I will write about another day. But I thought that for today, I would focus on the mind – how living with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for almost 25 years has impacted upon me; my thoughts and feelings and my attitude to life.
It is difficult to pin down how your feelings change over a number of years; 25 years ago, I had my first case of optic neuritis – inflammation of the optic nerve – which left me with a blind spot in my vision at 13 years old. There was no mention of MS at that time. I remember feeling inconvenienced that the blind spot meant that I couldn’t play basketball easily at school, but that is it. It went away as quickly as it arrived. Further relapses, leading to a diagnosis of MS when I was 15 years old made me feel different to my friends and again just completely inconvenienced and annoyed about the fact that MS was stopping me from living my life as I wanted to. Not being able to dance at the school ‘prom’ easily and having to stay in more nights than I wanted to, as my body needed the rest. Surprisingly, I don’t remember feeling particularly ‘down’ about my diagnosis… yes, I was given the literature about MS to read but I didn’t equate myself with the people it discussed in these booklets. The thing with my Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS) is that I made a full recovery between relapses, so the time spent having a relapse was just something I had to get through, then I could go back to my life living just as I wished. At that point, I then went 16 years with only a couple of minor relapses with full recovery. Was this MS? I could handle this! I half told myself that because I didn’t think about MS every day and just got on with life (Uni, parties, travelling, marriage, kids) that all this thinking positively was doing something to keep me well. Little was I to know that my MS would turn progressive, with a slow decline of ability, both physical and mental, by the time I was in my 30s.
I have always been a glass-half-full kind of person; I try to think positively about any upcoming uncertainty and find the good in situations that may have gone wrong. Even my neurologist said to me, when I last saw him, ‘you are always smiling when I see you’ – despite me then going on to tell him how difficult I was finding work and how my symptoms had progressed in a short space of time. Am I always smiling? I don’t think so – and my husband would certainly say that I am not walking around with a Cheshire cat grin on my face – but I do still have that glass-half-full attitude.
There is no doubt that my MS has progressed and I would be a complete liar if I were to say my mind hasn’t gone through its ups and downs just like my physical body has. Each new symptom chinks away at my mental health; I still try and think positively, but it isn’t so easy when it feels like your body is falling apart. I have written before about The Hidden Symptoms of MS that I face; feelings of guilt that I didn’t take care of my health when I was first diagnosed, worry for the things to come and disappointment that I can’t be the Mum, wife, daughter or friend that I truly want to be. I’m not ashamed to admit that I have been taking a low-dose anti-depressant and I feel like it helps to keep these feelings in check, allowing me the ability to focus on the good stuff in life and to prioritise my own self-care to make me feel as well as I can.
Having a chronic illness like MS means that I do have to stop and appreciate what I have. The kids fight like cat and dog but I am constantly told how well-behaved they are when they are out with their grandparents, and I have the pleasure of watching them grow into interesting and inquisitive young people who ask me questions that I can’t always answer! My parents and my younger brother and his family have recently moved to live in the same town as my family, and we are lucky to see each other every week. My parents have helped me with my garden which means that it is now a pleasure to sit out there on a warm day, enjoying a cup of coffee and some peace and quiet while the kids are at school. Blogging has given me confidence and makes me feel valued – people have written to me saying that reading about another person’s chronic illness makes them feel like they are not alone. And having MS makes me realise that life is short; so I try and get out there and do the things that scare me even if I am nervous – such as singing karaoke at a friend’s recent party, though I have to admit that I was helped by a glass of wine or two. I go out and am no longer daunted by having to rely on my mobility scooter: it gives me freedom. All of these little things don’t take away from the worry of having multiple sclerosis, but they help me to take my mind off of it somewhat.
The one thing that I haven’t experienced is ‘talking therapy’ – I would love to hear from anyone who has used CBT or similar to help them through a chronic illness, and whether they would recommend it. I think that, for me, it is important to acknowledge that although there will undoubtedly be some shitty times ahead, there are also going to be some fantastic, memory-making ones too. I can’t wait to see my children grow up and become adults and I am not going to stop making plans and trying new things just because I have an illness, I just might have to make a few adaptations. I aim to treat my mental health in the same way as my physical health – to use medication as needed, take the time to put myself first and use alternative therapies to aid rest and recovery. And keeping that glass-half-full mentality – because it makes things a whole lot more positive than always thinking of doom and gloom. Something that is easier said than done, but I’ll be working on it!
Great post! I think the impact MS has on your mind is often overlooked too. I do have counselling and find it really helpful. Just having someone there to talk to regularly helps so much. xxx
Oh that is great to know. I think that I will look into it
I can talk to family etc but I’ll bet it is great speaking to someone completely separate xxx
It is really nice. Its just having that separate time where you can just talk about how you’re feeling. xxx
I too went back on an anti-depressant. There is a link with MS and depression besides just the Meds and symptoms. I think your post was great. You always sound so positive . I truly appreciate your openness and positivity.
Thanks Jamie
I’m not always so positive but try to be. X
Reblogged this on Dream Big, Dream Often.
Jen, I found two new strategies within the last month. One is to wear compression socks to lessen the neuropathy pain in my lower legs. The others to take a teaspoon of yellow mustard every night which will lessen the spasms and cramping. Of course, Tumerick is the magic potion. I also went to a counselor for a while and found it very, very helpful. For me, I stay connected to God through devotions, Bible study, church, and music. On this journey we must find strategies and practices that help our weaknesses turn into strengths!
Thank you Jo Ann
Never heard of the mustard so I’ll try that. How do you take your turmeric? I’ve heard some people make a drink from it. I’m glad to hear the counsellor helped too, I definitely think that I should ask my GP about that. Xx
Instead of paying for turmeric in tablet form, I just use a teaspoon of yellow mustard. Usually before bed. I have also used it in the afternoon.
i just love your attitude to life! its very positive! xx
Thank you! Xx
I love your honesty and how genuine you are in your posts Jen. I certainly would see you as a glass half full type of a person and think you are handling things really well. So pleased you have family nearby. Xx
Me too, they help me so much. Thanks Hayley! Hope you’re looking forward to the summer break from work
[…] is My MS’ series (see here for my post about my physical symptoms and here for my post about my mental health). I know that I am very nosy eager to hear about how others try to manage their MS […]
Counseling is an must for me. (Even though I AM a counselor) I also have SPMS. Just found you here, I love your candor. I sooooooo relate. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your comment! I haven’t had counselling yet but am definitely up for it, I can luckily access through work so now I am back I will go through that route. Hope you are well despite the SPMS diagnosis!
[…] is a big thing for me and I have spoken about it before in my blog. It really comes in waves; I feel like ‘me’ inside, but I know that I can’t do all the […]
[…] have previously written about how my Multiple Sclerosis affects my mental health. I feel that, over the past year or so, I have really started to recognise what helps me to keep […]
I remember reading this post. I don’t know why I didn’t comment at the time?.I find depression hard to handle on the days it hits. It does take along strength to get through it sometimes, especially a couple of months ago. I can only imagine all the motions you must be experiencing at the moment. Just remember how far you have come!. I need to remind myself of this, and guess what, we have done amazing and we are actually stronger than we think. Have an awesome day. Meditate if you feel like it, and smile in the meditation also. It makes a difference. :)xx
[…] coping mechanism for the issues that I may be going through and that this definitely helps to keep my mental health on an even a keel as possible. Am I always positive? Of course not. Do I feel better when I am? […]