Picture of empty road with yellow line in middle. Blog post HSCT it's all go

Hi everyone!

Greetings from another blog about my (now very imminent) HSCT treatment.  If you have been following the HSCT Chronicles, you will know that, before Christmas, I had my successful harvest (removal of some of my stem cells) so that they could be frozen, ready for transplanting this month.  Well, the date is now almost upon me and the next part of my treatment starts on the 10th of January.

This time, I will be having stages 4-6 as detailed by The MS Trust:

If you would like to read more about my HSCT treatment, previous blog posts are:



  1. Hi Jen,

    You will be in my thoughts all the time. Try to remember when you are at your lowest that it will not be forever you will come out of the other side and be all the stronger.

    I have recently been diagnosed with polycythemia which is a blood cancer which I’m told is not curable but it’s manageable with drugs. I will probably have to have a bone marrow sample taken shortly and although I’m dreading it, I will think of you and how brave and inspiring you are to us all.

    Take care Jen and as soon as your able let us know how you are doing.

    🤗 and 😘
    Elaine xxx

    1. Hi Elaine, thank you so much for your comment and well wishes, I am so sorry to hear about your polycythemia 🙁 I hope that everything goes ok, I am always here if you need to have a private chat about the tests etc (I’m not sure if they are the same though). Will update soon xxx

      1. Concentrate on getting yourself through this final stage Jen, I know you have the strength to do it. You have lots of love being sent your way. 💕 xx

  2. I will be thinking about you! Glad you can have your gadgets with you. Truly hoping all goes well. Hugs! Joan

  3. Wishing you all the very best, Jen. You are so brave and a massive inspiration. Thinking about you and sending positive, healing thoughts. Much love, Emma xxx (of Not Just Tired as WordPress doesn’t recognise me today!)

  4. You have done everything you can to be as prepared as possible, including taking care of everyone else while you’re away. Now is the time to focus on you. You can do this, you’ll find ways to manage. I can only imagine how scary and difficult all of this is, not just the treatment but just being away from home, away from your family and kids, but there’s Facetime and there’s your husband to visit you and there’s the strength you have saved away for a rainy day like now. We’ll all be thinking of you. Keep hold of that sense of humour (and I’m sure those grey hairs are just too fond of you to say goodbye just yet) 😉 Sending lots of love and hugs your way xxxxx

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